Outdoor Activities
Outdoor Activities Cycling – Trails Cycling, use of a bicycle for sport, recreation, or transportation. The sport of cycling consists of professional and amateur races, which are held mostly in continental Europe, the United States, and Asia. The recreational use of the bicycle is widespread in Europe and the United States, and so in Albania. […]

Pastries and desserts
There is a strong tradition of home baking in the country and patisseries are present in every city and village across the country. Entirely Albanian pastries and desserts consist primarily of fruits including oranges and lemons that grow as well as in the country. Traditionally, fresh fruits are often eaten after a meal as a […]

Ingredients in Albanian Cuisine
Ingredients Located in Southern Europe with a direct proximity to the Mediterranean Sea, the Albanian cuisine features a wide range of fresh fruits, growing naturally in the fertile Albanian soil and under the warm sun. In consideration of being an agricultural country, Albania is a significant fruit importer and exporter. Besides citrus fruits, cherries, strawberries, […]

Belsh Traditional Cooking
Hospitality is a fundamental custom of Albanian society and serving food is integral to the hosting of guests and visitors. It is not infrequent for visitors to be invited to eat and drink with locals. The medieval Albanian code of honor, called Besa, resulted to look after guests and strangers as an act of recognition […]

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20 Most Common Plants in Belsh
In Albania, Elbasan, Belsh, you can find China rose, Sweet cherry, European plum, Wine grape, Paradise apple, and more! There are 20 types of plants in total. Be sure to look out for these common plants when you’re walking on the streets, in parks, or in public gardens. Sources: Picturethisai

A Day Trip in Belsh
I started in the morning, around 8 o’clock. I got my car and drove from Elbasan to Belsh. The road towards Belsh passes through small villages covered by farmlands beautifully colored with brown, green, and yellow. Groups of reeds and other kind of trees, together with a number of hills are also your companies throughout […]

Festa e Balonave
Mijëra nxënës në ‘Festën e Balonave’ në Belsh Për të katërtin vit në bashkinë e Belshit vijon tradita e ‘Festës së Balonave’, e cila synon që promovojë bukuritë e zonës së Dumresë si dhe të kontribuojë për tërheqjen e sa më shumë turistëve në të ardhmen. Edhe këtë Pranverë në Malin e Gradishtës Bashkia e […]

Hiking to Gradishta Mountain
Hiking to Gradishta Mountain.It is located in the Belsh region. Walking from the center of Belsh to the mountain takes about an hour to get there if you know a driver who can get you there, good! Otherwise, there is no frequent transport that will take you to the mountain. I recommend wearing walking shoes. It […]

Marinëz Lake
New center for tourism and culture is coming up in Lake Marinë, Dumre. In Belsh, Elbasan, the area of the Marina lake has turned into a destination for visitors. Belshi, completely reborn, is now an important tourist destination in the district of Elbasan. It is an area with a natural landscape that makes for itself […]