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20 Most Common Plants in Belsh

In Albania, Elbasan, Belsh, you can find China rose, Sweet cherry, European plum, Wine grape, Paradise apple, and more! There are 20 types of plants in total. Be sure to look out for these common plants when you’re walking on the streets, in parks, or in public gardens.

1. China Rose

The china rose (Rosa chinensis) is a Southwest China native. The plant has been cultivated for so long that it has become hard to tell the difference between wild and cultivated varieties. With medium-sized clusters of flowers and a long blooming season, it is easy to see why the china rose was chosen as the basis for many rose hybrids.

2. Sweet Cherry

Sweet cherry is a well-known species to fruit lovers worldwide. This stone fruit varies in flavor from sweet to tart, depending on the specific cultivar. Sweet cherry is also used for lumber and is a preferred wood type of furniture.

3. European Plum

Prunus domestica is a small deciduous tree and the most common orchard plum in Europe and other regions of the world. It is a hybrid species that had most likely evolved from the wild Cherry plum, Prunus cerasifera. The fruit is elongated, fleshy, and usually sweet. Dried fruits of European plum are called prunes.

4. Wine Grape

Wine grape (Vitis vinifera) is a woody, fruit-bearing vine with a very long and vivid history of cultivation for culinary, recreational, and ritualistic purposes – most notably in winemaking. The earliest known evidence of domesticated wine grapes has been identified in Georgia, and carbon dating traces its domestic origins all the way back to 6000 BC. In addition to wine, the fruit of the wine grape is eaten in the form of grapes, raisins, and currants.

5. Apple Tree

Paradise apple is the most widely cultivated tree fruit around the globe. The three top apple-producing countries are China, the United States, and Poland, with an economic impact of $3.55 billion in 2017. There are more than 7,500 known cultivars of apples throughout the world.

6. Sweet Basil

Sweet basil is a species of mint plant native to Asia and Africa. It is a popular houseplant and thrives when it receives plenty of regular sun and water. This plant is also easy to transfer from one soil environment to another. The edible sweet basil leaves can be eaten fresh or dried with pizza, salads, soups, teas, and many other dishes.

7. Garden Petunia

Garden petunia (Petunia atkinsiana) is a hybrid species of garden plant that describes all hybrids between the two petunia species P. axillaris and P. integrifolia. When grown for gardening, these flowers are relatively easy to grow, can survive in hot climates. Garden petunia requires hours of sunlight each day.

8. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is an evergreen succulent species native to the Arabian Peninsula. The thick leaves are filled with gooey flesh that stores water for survival in its native desert territories. Aloe vera has become a popular houseplant and is also incorporated into a wide range of cosmetics and skin-care products.

9. Wax Begonia

Begonia cucullata is a native of South America. It is often used as a ground cover and also does well in containers. The blossoms of wax begonia can be red, white, or pink. In some states like Florida and Georgia, wax begonia is considered an invasive species due to its tendency to reseed prolifically in the right conditions.

10. Rose of Sharon

Hibiscus syriacus is a deciduous shrub with trumpet-shaped pink, lavender, or white flowers. Although it was first collected by Western botanists from Syrian gardens, “rose of sharon” is native to south-central and southeastern China. Because of its hardiness and prolific blooming, it is cultivated all around the world. It is the national flower of South Korea, mentioned in its national anthem.

11. Evergreen Spindle

Evergreen spindle (Euonymus japonicus) is a popular ornamental evergreen shrub with numerous cultivars. Due to its superb adaptability and decorative looks, the evergreen spindle can be found in parks and gardens all over the world. Its flowers produce a lot of nectar, which makes this plant very attractive to bees.

12. Oleander

Nerium oleander, colloquially known as oleander, is a shrub or a small tree, known for its majestic pink five-lobed flowers and deep green lanceolate leaves. Oleander is one of the most poisonous popular decorative garden plants, so it is advised to keep small children and pets away from it.

13. Bigleaf Hydrangea

The bigleaf hydrangea is a deciduous shrub native to Japan, and is known for its lush, oval, colorful inflorescence. The two types of Hydrangea macrophylla are mopheads – with large, ball-shaped, sterile flower clusters, and lacecapes – with small round fertile flowers in the center, and sterile flowers on the outer side of each inflorescence. Depending on soil pH, blooms can change color from pink to blue.

14. Zonal Geranium

Zonal geranium (Pelargonium hortorum) is an annual plant species that looks similar in appearance to other geraniums. The zonal geranium can be distinguished by its zone of red, blue, or purple striping through the middle of the leaf. This species is typically a one-season bloomer, unlike other geraniums that are perennial growers and bloom year-round. Zonal geranium blooms come in a variety of colors that include red, pink, burgundy, salmon, and white.

15. Dog Rose

The dog rose is a pale pink type of rose. The plant is known for “climbing” as it grows and can even be found climbing up different trees. References to dog rose date back at least to ancient Rome, and it is featured in many European riddles and even Shakespearian quotes as well.

16. African Marigold

African marigold is a common garden plant with bright orange or red flowers. Its use in decorative and ceremonial gardens dates back to ancient Aztec civilizations. Not only does african marigold add bright colors, but it is also known to repel insects, rabbits, and deer thanks to its toxic latex.

17. Olive

Olive (Olea europaea) is an evergreen tree or shrub with great agricultural importance, especially in the Mediterranean. Its fruits are edible and widely used for making oil. Olive has acquired quite a few symbolic meanings during its long history of cultivation. The most popular symbol would probably be the olive branch, which represents peace and glory.

18. Rubber Plant

Rubber plant (Ficus elastica) is a large tree with wide, oval, glossy leaves. Its milky white latex was used for making rubber before Pará rubber tree came into use, hence the name. Rubber plant is an ornamental species, often grown as a houseplant in cooler climates.

19. Common Lilac

Common lilac is a shrub native to the Balkan Peninsula that blooms with a fragrant blossom. It grows on rocky terrain and has a suckering habit. The blossoms are used to flavor honey, sugars, food, and other delights and farmed for its fragrant flowers in the spring.

20. Arborvitae (Tree)

Arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis) is a small- to medium-sized evergreen conifer native to North America. This tree can be found in a variety of environments, including forested wetlands and along cliffs. Essential oils are produced using arborvitae and it also finds use as an ornamental plant. Due to its increasing popularity in landscaping, more compact plants have been used to develop smaller strains.

Sources: Picturethisai