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War and History: Dumre Battalion

Anti-Fascist National Liberation War of The People of Dumre.

In the Albanian National Antifascist War, people of Dumre contributed with their help too. They established a Partisan Detachment (çeta partizane) on 25th of December, 1942. After a little more than a year of establishment, the Dumre’s Çeta together with that of Shpat village formed the Battalion of Dumre. This happened in the village of Shtërmen on May 14, 1943. The Battalion was under the commander Petrit Hakani. A month later, the battalion destroyed the Italian settlements of Mediterraneo and Cidonio that were located on the Elbasan-Peqin national road. Continuing the fight, the battalion of Dumre, together with that of Mokra and other forces from Pogradec, hit the Italian Army in Pojska. This happened on 16 of June 1943, where 120 partisans took part in the 6-7 hours fight against the fascists. The group entered the city of Elbasan that was occupied by the Italians and burnt the Queest’s Building. The same battalion, on 15th of September 1943, hit a german military cologne that was moving on Elbasan-Cërrik road. Some months later, November 1943, the Dumre battalion fought against nazi forces that were trying to occupy parts of Elbasan city. Also, during the winter of 1943-1944 they took place in the fights that happened in Strapicka of Tomorrica and in Lavdar of Korça in cooperation with the First-Attack Albanian Brigade. War and History

Together with D. I. S forces, the Dumre battalion took place in the fightings of Moglica Bridge, Qafa e Gjarprit, Guri i Prerë, and in Dushar and Galigat. After months of resting, the battalion would operate again on August 30, 1944 against the nazi forces that had captured Belsh that time. In co-operation with the IV battalion of the IIV brigade, a 3 hours intense fight concluded with extermination of the fortified nazi garrison.

In September 1944, the Dumre-Darsi Battalion reached 320 partisans, of which 29% were from the city, 71% from the village. They, together with a battalion of Shpat and Vërça, formed on 26th September 1944 in Elbasan the XVII Brigade that consisted about 700 soldiers. After its formation, the brigade became part of IV division and was so concentrated mainly in Dumre-Peqin region. The operation branches of the brigade gave a push for the creation of other battalions in places such as Drash, Shez, Vashaj, Xibrakë, Cërrik, Shtërmen, Belsh, Shkozë, Pekisht, Hysgjokaj, Rrasë, and Ballagat. Whereas the brigade headquarters were based in Belsh. On the other side, from October to November 1944, the brigade expanded also in Mat and Peshkopi. War and History

On November 13th, by order of the first Attacking Corps, the brigade took part in the fights that were happening in Tirana. It played the role of reserve forces concentrated in the region of Mullet and Lundra. Their task was to attack a German column of the Stayer Group Division that was moving on Krrabë-Tirana Road. The brigade organized an ambush up to the Fikas-Ibe region and acted successfully. After this operation, the brigade succeeded in the fights against the Nazis that took place in Gostivar, Kërçovë, and Tetovo. On 14th of December, the XVII Brigade became part of the Seventh Attacking Division based in Peshkëpi.

Members of the Brigade were: Brigade Commander was Ngjeli Argjiri, Commissioner was Qamil Guranjaku, Deputy Commander was Sefedin Meçe, and Deputy Commissioner was Ndreç Plasari.

Documenting our history is thus important, for the work and life of our predecessors is the value of the nation’s freedom of today. Valuing and remembering all the efforts of people that sacrificed everything for the liberation of Albania in a moment when the Europe was threatened by the Nazi, is our duty to pay respect to their lives and pass on the history generation to generation. To not forget the history means to not repeat it in the future. As humans learn from the past, the future has more possibilities to be from different to better. War and History

Research Paper: Astrit Liçi.
Article Editing: Kristian Zara