Events in Belsh

The Municipality of Belshi in cooperation with the Regional Directorate of Education organizes the Balloon Festival every year, turning it into a mass activity with students of 9-year and secondary schools. An activity in which hundreds of students from the schools of the Belsh Municipality take part.

Every year the Municipality of Belsh celebrates the Feast of Aphrodite by organizing various events with school students in the village of Seferan and in Belsh, in honor of the goddess Aphrodite.

The Folk Song Marathon was held for the first time in Belsh. The most popular and favorite singers for the Albanian public went on stage to perform for thousands of citizens of Belsh and beyond. This concert is accompanied by joy and dance by all the residents of the Belshi area.

Promotion of the natural beauty of the Belsh's lakes, the culture, tradition, folk clothes of the area, promotion of the cooking and culinary of the area, organic agricultural and livestock products with the aim of attracting as many visitors as possible for lake tourism.

The students of the "Sami Frashëri" Belsh Gymnasium organize the Fair on the occasion of Summer Day, promoting the traditional products of the Belsh area, thus inheriting the tradition of this holiday.

Every year the Belsh Municipality in cooperation with the Belsh educational office organizes a festive concert with students for the November holidays in the town square and in the house of culture.
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Festa e Balonave
Mijëra nxënës në ‘Festën e Balonave’ në Belsh Për të katërtin vit në bashkinë e Belshit vijon tradita e ‘Festës